Nokia 5610 is a good mobile phone. It is a music express phone. It comes in two colors one is red with black and the other one is blue with black. It has a good volume while playing the songs in the loud speaker. It battery backup is also up to the mark. It can play songs up to 12 hours continuously. the phones voice clarity is also good.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
There are lots of things in daily life which we can’t understand why it’s happening, previously many scientists gave explanations that we yawn when we need oxygen but as it turns out ,this theory is not valid. This has been proved by Dr.Robert Provine, he put the experimental subject in rooms containing different levels of oxygen but every individual seem to show same level of frequency of yawning. We do not yawn when we are tired rather it depends on the age. Recently the researchers have found that yawning is an act of cooling the brain the brain is like a computer processor and when it gets heated it is cooled by yawning. This has been found by analyzing the parakeets by putting them in the thermal boxes and changing the temperatures when the temperature is increased the frequency of yawning also increased.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Types of compression
In order to maintain large data object efficiently, the data objects need to be compressed to reduce the file size for storage of the objects. Compression eliminates redundancies in the data pattern, it takes less time for transmission over the network. This automatically decreases the storage and transmission costs. There are two types of compression they are lossless compression and lossy compression. In the lossless compression the compression of the data won’t affect the data. But in the lossy compression the compression for the data affects the quality of the data
Friday, December 19, 2008
Basics of workout
Many of us do a lot of exercise to build up the muscles.We spend a lot of time in the gym for the same.But most of us forget the basics.Here are some of the basics we should follow
- Drink atleast 3 litres of water per day
- Take protien rich diets(egg,meat)
- Keep an eye on the body posture
- Do cardio exercise atleast thrice per week for half hour
- Give ample time for the body to recover after the workout
- avoid junk food
- avoid oil rich fried dishes
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wonderful-the way we see things
When we were children our senses were vibrantly alive to every passing stimulus. For a child the world is a wonderful place, endlessly exciting, full of magic. We grow older and forget that the world is a wonderful place. It is still full of wonderful things if we have eyes to see it. We have to become as a little child again. It is Never has life been so full of magic as it is today with lots of advancement in science and technology. It is important that you should be conscious of all the magic around us. This will create the enthusiasm to go further and seek fresh magic.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Love is magic
Love is very important in life. Without Love life is meaningless. If u learn to love then living the life will be as easy as breathing. True form of Love is Love expectation. When there is Love in a person then he will liked by everyone. Love comes not by finding the perfect person but by seeing the person you Love perfectly.So Love and live life happily
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sales tax
This is a tax on business transactions and is collected from all the registered dealers, who, in turn collect it from consumers. It has been replaced by VAT. It is value added tax. It has come in to effect in India from 1 April is a multistage levy and is collected in transactions involving the sale of goods each time they change hands or value. It reduces the cascading the effect of taxes by providing for set-off of taxes that have already been paid or collected.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sleep terrors and genetics
Children are often prone to night terrors. During that time they begin to scream. According to recent study it is slightly inherited. The results show that there is a firm effect of genetic factor in the sleep terrors, though no specific genes behind the phenomenon have been identified. It has also been found that this condition may disappear in the later years. Another condition is the walking in the sleep, it also is a condition which is arrived from the genetics. The onset of the sleep terror is very abrupt and frightening. At this time children seem to be confused and restless.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Not all fats are bad
Fat is considered as a bad thing when diet is taken into account but the truth is not all the fat sources are bad for obesity.fat is responsible for obesity this belief exists in the world as of now. Only the white fat is bad for health and it causes obesity. The brown fat is very useful for staying healthy. This brown fat is used to treat obesity. This acts by destroying the white fat. Therefore the white fat is in turn converted into heat for the body.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Volcanoes and tropics
A volcano eruption occurs in places where the tectonic plates are not proper. A volcano erupts through by opening in the earths surface. They can also be found where there is a thinning of the earth’s surface. Mantle plumes are also a reason for the volcanoes. The magma which is erupted from the volcano consists of 50%-60% of silica. Researchers have found in the recent study that the volcanic eruptions have cooled the tropics by throwing the particles high in the sky so that the sunlight gets reflected and results in the reduction of the heat of the planet.

Friday, December 5, 2008
Body Posture
Posture is defined as the position of the parts of the body with respect to one another. It may change periodically depending on the person’s activity. But there is a specific way of holding and moving the body and that is known as good posture. We should keep our shoulders relaxed and the spinal column in the neutral position. Keep the chest upright and the abs tucked in, the neck and the head should be aligned with the spine.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sensation of touch
The mechanism to know exactly where we touch is known as proprioreception.This is similar to the thoughts phenomenon. The skin has various receptors like pacinian corpuscles, end bulbs of krouse, tendons. The parietal cortex is responsible for understanding the movement of hand, position and objects we touch. Even the sense of direction and orientation of space are found by parietal cortex.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Potatoes are the blame holders
The Chinese celebrate special years for cat, mouse, snake and the monkey, we also celebrate special days. But the Potato has a whole International year reserved for it. A news report mentioned that the Indian government has a central research institute in Shimla since 1935.All of us know that the dieticians have made it out to be a villain and a criminal, as if it is only responsible for obesity in the country. The main reason lies in the fried preparations but not the potatoes. The real culprit is the oil which we are using to make the dishes. And also a variety of dishes can be made from the potatoes.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A laptop as the name indicates is used as a portable device which is used for lots of applications. A laptop is actually a small version of the desktop computer. It has lot of advantages over the desktop computers the main advantages are ,it can be taken anywhere we want. It emits amount of heat which is very less compared to the desktop systems. Here the Monitor and the CPU unit is joined together. But when it comes to cost of the product the laptops are a bit costlier than the desktops.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Shoulder Stretch
- Raise your arm to shoulder height and bring your arm across the front of your body.
- If using your right arm, your right hand should rest at your left shoulder.
- Take your left arm and place it behind your right elbow. Slowly and gently apply pressure just above your right elbow to feel a stretch in the back of the right shoulder.
- Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat for the other side.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Water is elixir of life
Water is very important for existence of living things. Water is an elixir of life. Without water no one can survive .Our Earth consists 70% of water. It is special for its transparence property. It is used for cooking. According to scientific report we should drink 6 liters of water per day. If we drink lots of water we will be away from diseases.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The deNovo ProteinModeling
Continuous-space models based on all-atom representations lack the ability to find a global free energy minimum of a typical protein in a tractable period of time. The most straightforward solution to this problem is to reduce the large number of degrees of freedom by employing a reduced representation of a protein chain or/and simplified interaction scheme.
- Continuous Space Reduced Models
- High Resolution Lattice Models
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Ghajini Movie
This is a tamil movie directed by A.R.Murgadoss,starring Surya sivakumar, Asin,the film was relesed in theseptember 2005,the films running time is 1280 minutes.The main concept of the film is Love and then the short term memory loss of the hero.The films budget was 7.5 crore.The first half of the film shows the Love,the second thing is the act of the villain,then the second half features the revenge of the hero and whether he succeeds in the revenge or not.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hamstring stretch
Hamstring stretch is done to stretch the hamstring muscles. To do this first lie flat on the ground, lift the left leg up and move it till it perpendicular to the ground and if its difficult u can make use of a towel to be round about the leg and pulled by hands stretch until u can and then leave the left leg and make it rest as in the initial position now repeat the steps with the other leg.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Subcellular Localization Prediction
Subcellular localization can be considered as a type of gene function. Indeed the Gene Ontology organizes terms for describing localization in a DAG named cellular component. Some proteins have a signal peptide typically at its N-terminal region, which are recognized by a transporting protein and later often cleaved off. Therefore a direct way to predict subcellular localization is to recognize these signals.94 Since molecular protein sorting mechanism differs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, predictionmethods is usually specifically designed for either one of them or for a sub-category, such as plants. PSORT is one of the earliest prediction methods, which uses multiple sequence features including signal peptides, amino acid composition, sequence motifs, and predicted trans-membrane domains in the form of a decision rule or a classifier.95,96 They have an extensive collection of links to prediction methods and related resources at their web site,demonstrate that cellular localization is an evolutionarily conserved property andhomologs tend to occur at the same cellular sites. Proteome Analyst99 obtains annotationscorresponding to homologous sequences detected using BLAST and then uses them withan organism specific Bayesian classifier to classify the query protein to localization sites.Some methods100–102 use SVM to classify proteins across different cellular components based on the frequency of twenty amino acids. The phylogenetic profile can be also used to predict localization.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Its a disease caused due to consuming alcohol and other alcoholic beverages.When taken in small amounts it causes a feeling of relaxation.But when taken in large amounts it leads to the impairement of speech and muscular coordination.It may also irritate the stomach lining.A very large amount can lead to severe depression of central nervous system and may become fatal.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Gene Ontology
GO consists of hierarchically structured vocabulary divided into three basic subcategories: molecular function, biological process and cellular component. Each term in GO is referred by an identifier of the form GO:xxxxxxx, a subcategory, and an associated textual description for that term. For example, the identifier GO:0019319 is of subcategory biological process and has short description as ‘hexose biosynthetic process’ (Figure).
GO organizes the terms in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure where terms are associated by is a or part of relationships. The is a classifier represents a subclass relationship where ‘A is a B’ means A is description of B but at higher depth or more narrower description. ‘A part of B’ indicates that whenever A is present it is part of B. A gene can be described as performing one or more molecular functions, being part of one or more biological process and located in one or more cellular components. Another important feature of GO is that it supports association of an evidence code with each annotation indicating the nature of evidence sources that are used to support that annotation. Examples of the evidence codes are IDA (Inferred from Direct Assay), which indicates that a direct assay was carried out to determine the function, and ISS (Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity), which clarifies that any analysis based on sequence alignment, structure comparison, or evaluation of sequence features such as composition is performed.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Precaution measures for earthquake
Earthquakes are natural disasters. We cannot stop it or avoid it but we can make ourselves alert and take some of the measures by which we can overcome the bad effects of the earthquake. This can be done by construction the houses in the wood instead of the bricks .the exit of each of the house should be given high care. There should be at least 2 exits from the house. The proper alert system for the earthquake prone areas should be given
Monday, October 27, 2008
Split squat
The split squat is mainly for the work of the leg muscles, it makes the leg muscles work to the maximum intensity by applying weight of the entire body on the leg. This provides the overall workout of the muscles. Also it helps in the stretching of those muscles. In the split squat the force is applied separately in each of the legs then the other advantage it applies the own body weight instead of using any other dumbbells or barbells.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Thumb-Up Gesture
The thumb up signal in generally for showing everything is OK.In Greece, it means ‘get stuffed’, so one can imagine the dilemma of the Australian hitch-hiker using this gesture in that country!In Italy people count from one to five, they use this gesture to mean ‘one’ and the index finger then becomes ‘two’. In most other countries the people count the one in the index finger and then two in the middle finger here thumb will represent the number ‘five’.It also represents power and superiority.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Genes and proteins are products of evolution. Over the course of evolution, the nucleotide sequences of genes undergo numerous changes. First, duplications (or deletions) may lead to creation of additional copies (or removal) of genes or gene fragments. Second, local mutations: substitutions, insertions and deletions within genes may result in changes to the amino acid sequence of proteins they encode. Thus, the initially identical copies of duplicated genes over time accumulate divergent mutations that make their sequences progressively dissimilar. Not all positions of protein-encoding genes are equally susceptible to mutation, as some amino acid residues may be very important for protein function, stability, or folding and may thus be more constrained in the residue types allowed. Therefore, although mutations are random, in nature we observe only such protein variants, in which sequence changes have been ‘accepted’ by the evolutionary pressure. Proteins with mutations that cause detrimental changes in structure and/or function are usually eliminated. If the protein is important to the integrity of the organism, the organism that bears the mutant gene dies, and the structurally/functionally compromised variant ceases to exist; or if it is not important, then the inactivated gene may be eventually ‘purged’ from the genome by random deletions. On the other hand, if the mutant variant brings an additional and beneficial new function to the organism, it is likely to be retained and further ‘optimized’ towards the activity favored by the selective pressure.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Rest and relaxation
If you plan sightseeing or travel while there, it is often a good idea to do it immediately after the operating period is finished.Leave time at the end of the sightseeing to do another post-operativeward round or outpatient clinic, to see complications and advise further management.This applies especially after you have performed on a condition or used a procedure that is new to you and the national surgeon
Friday, October 10, 2008
Taking care of your health
You should be aware of the vaccination you are taking it should be new and should be adequate. The care of the malaria and hepatitis B. You must discuss the things which you are going to do with your physicians. Interhealth is a UK organization private, it provides a good service and gives advice on vaccinations and general health matters both physical and psychological. It provides help before you leave the country and debriefs you medically.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Success is elusive
Students can all too easily be influenced by the hype surrounding exams. Being in the process of defining who they are and what they do, and having very little life experience of their own, they Students tend to adopt the attitudes of those around them. Consequently, discount their success many students set themselves unrealistic targets – or allow such targets to be set for them. As a result, they often feel disappointed in themselves, despite their successes.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chest Workout
The chest workout is divided into two they are
- upper chest
- lower chest
Sunday, September 21, 2008
3 Principles
Three common principles to follow when delivering health care to Developing Countries
1. Build and support the local infrastructure.
2. Create long-term, self-sufficient care.
3. Adhere to the highest standards.
Three common principles to follow when delivering health care to Developing Countries
1. Build and support the local infrastructure.
2. Create long-term, self-sufficient care.
3. Adhere to the highest standards.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Earthquakes are a terror of a country.If a country or a part of a country is prone to earthquakes then there will be lots of problems in the nation.People have to shifted from one place to another frequantly because of the damages caused by the earthquakes and so there is a loss for the nation due to earthquakes.These are natural disasters and cannot be avoided by general public.We can only make necessary possible steps to overcome these disasters.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Blood clot
The gelatinous material formed to stem the flow of blood when a blood vessel is injured. Normally, the lining of a blood vessel wallows the blood to flow without any change in its chemistry ;however, when a blood vessel is ruptured and the blood comes into contact with foreign tissue,clotting begins .Platelets in the blood, triggered by the contact involving a number of protein constituents in the blood, ending with the conversion of fibrinogen, soluble material ,to fibrin, that is insoluble. The fibrin is laid down in fine strands that collect white and red cells to form a clot.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Most of the time I discuss three different types of threats in viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.I describe each species in grisly detail. There’s still some argument going on among computer-security professionals regarding what, exactly, a virus is (does it always have to work like those tiny semi living things that give you a cold?). But the intent of malicious code is always clear.
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